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Release Notes - v2.52 - 6 August 2024

  • Version: 2.52
  • Release date: 6th August 2024

New Features and Enhancements

Document Search Skill - Vector Chunk Size Settings

With the recent introduction of the Query Document Chunks flow action in version 2.51, released 9th July 2024, we have now extended its functionality by allowing greater customisation of the chunk size and overlap by introducing the following two configuration parameters:

  • Maximum Page Length: Defines the maximum number of characters in each chunk. The text splitter avoids breaking-up sentences, so the actual character count depends on the content. Default is 2000.
  • Page Overlap Length: Defines how many characters from the end of the previous page are included at the start of the next page. If set, this must be less than half the maximum page length. Default is 500.

These configuration parameters are accessed from the More button menu in the Document Search skill. We would recommend leaving these values at their defaults, but if you do change them, please consider that a full index rebuild will occur, which may temporarily impact your document search results in the assistant.

Minor Updates / Bug Fixes

  • Allow old adaptive cards to be resubmitted, but only if the content is the same as what's currently stored in flow.
  • Improve the filters on the Conversation History page by adding username and an improved date selector.
  • Allow code blocks (three backticks) to be used in markdown without having to be escaped using a backslash.
  • Display a copy of data submitted from an adaptive card within the conversation transcript and debug pages.
  • When adding date and time pickers within the Tenjin Forms skill, make sure the selector pop-up does not disappear off the screen at all browser sizes when absolute is selected.
  • Provide additional help documentation for querying documents using AI.
  • Improve the responsiveness of the UI when editing large flows.
  • Improve the retry process for the AI services to reduce delays and failures.

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