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Release Notes - v2.42 - November 2023

  • Version: 2.42
  • Release date: 1st November 2023

New Features and Enhancements

Image Store

Following customer requests, it is now possible to store images within Tenjin that can be used in QnA, flow, and other areas of the solution where the insert image icon appears; you no longer have to worry where you'll store images because Tenjin will take care of it for you.

The image store supports many different image types and includes the option to resize them to an optimum size for Microsoft Teams and Webchat, or you can choose your own preferred size. The maximum image dimensions are 2,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels.

Company Target Points

A new company target workspace widget and associated admin functionality has been added, promoting targets and potential rewards for the company's users / good causes. Users earn points and contribute towards the company target by providing and improving knowledge, asking new questions and adding suggested answers, all with a view to unifying the company knowledge whilst making sure there are no silos of information and knowledge is shared.

The widget can be date and time based, meaning it's only active between a specific timeframe, or manually turned on and off, with the potential of showing many company targets if required; for example, a weekly and monthly target.

Ability to Use Email Addresses in Notify Tenjin Users Flow Action

The Notify Tenjin Users flow action can now be used by supplying one or more email addresses, you no longer need to source the Tenjin user's ID to email them. This therefore means you can now supply either a user's email address and/or their Tenjin user ID, the input accepts both types of inputs.

Please note that only registered Tenjin users will be emailed, therefore if you enter an email address that does not exist in the list of Tenjin users, they will not be contacted; the output of the flow action will return the details of all users emailed.

Flow Action Update

  • Notify Tenjin Users - The user ID input has been extended to also allow email addresses, in addition to Tenjin user IDs.

Automatic Awarding of Badges from Flow Actions

Following feedback received, we have removed the Record Badge Progress flow action, and all badges are now automatically awarded from their respective flow actions, which means building flows and rewarding users is easier.

If you have any existing flows that contain the Record Badge Progress flow action, the action will be ignored, and your users will not receive a badge twice. You can safely leave the flow action in place, removing it at a time that suits you. If required, there is a toggle on each applicable flow action to disable the automatic badge awarding.

Flow Action Updates

  • Create Expert Assist Question - Automatically awards the applicable "You've asked a question" badge.
  • Create Expert Assist Answer - Automatically awards the applicable "You've supplied an answer" badge.
  • Query QnA - Automatically awards the applicable "QnA search" / "You've found QnA answers" badge.
  • Submit QnA Question Suggestion - Automatically awards the applicable "You've supplied feedback to QnA" badge.
  • Record Badge Progress - This flow action has been deprecated.

Each of the above flow actions contain a Record Progress toggle that can be disabled if you do not want the applicable badge awarded.

Renaming Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft is renaming Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Microsoft Entra ID, which means we have also updated this terminology within Tenjin. There is more information about this on the Azure AD is Becoming Microsoft Entra ID page hosted by Microsoft.

Minor Updates / Bug Fixes

  • Improve access to the Apply and Cancel buttons in the Webchat channel settings pop-up when used in a small browser window.
  • Truncate long project flow names when viewed in the Call Project Flow action.
  • Make sure transcripts remain viewable after an assistant is deleted.
  • When the webchat styles are changed on the Test Assistant page the chat session must remain active and visible.
  • Long sentences must wrap when pasted into the Add New QnA pop-up dialogue.
  • Due to the number of flow actions within the Add Action panel, make it easier to find actions by adding search and a new list view.
  • Gamification badges should be awarded automatically by their respective flow actions, removing the need to use the Record Badge Progress flow action.
  • The Add Variable menu option must always be visible within flow actions, no matter how tall their respective input areas become.
  • When the variable list, and other flow action menus within the designer, become taller than the available space, all options must continue to remain viewable and selectable.
  • Improve consistency within Microsoft Teams for how data-driven choices and suggestions appear.

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