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Flow Actions Overview

Flow actions are divided into 10 categories within the flow designer:

  1. Common Flow Actions
  2. Flow Control Actions
  3. Flow Variables Actions
  4. Flow Output Actions
  5. Flow Knowledge Actions
  6. Flow AI Actions
  7. Flow Analytics Actions
  8. Flow Data Store Actions
  9. Flow External Actions
  10. ServiceNow Actions

Each action comes with a number of useful features as icons in the main title bar:

  • Rename: Simply click on the flow action title and overtype it if you'd like to change its name.
  • Copy: Ability to copy a flow action and paste it somewhere else.
  • Favorite: Mark the flow action as a favorite, making it easier to find in the future. All favorites are listed in the flow properties window.
  • Comment: Add comments relevant to the flow action, for any important information you don't want to forget.
  • Help: Useful information specific to the flow action, always a good starting point to learn more!
  • Delete: Remove the flow action.
  • Close: Close the flow action editor panel.

These features are also available by clicking on the three dots icon to the left of the title, just in case you're having trouble finding the desired icon.

How To Add an Action to Your Flow

  1. Within flow, press the + circular icon to open the flow action menu, as demonstrated by the screengrab below.

  2. Select the action you wish to add from the list provided in the right-hand column. You can collapse / expand the flow action groups by clicking on the down / right arrow to the right of each heading.


You can create a favorites list of flow actions by pressing the heart icon within the title bar of the flow action, as demonstrated below.


Favorites can be found quickly within the flow properties panel, which is accessed by clicking the cog icon in the bottom-left of the flow designer.


Clicking the cog icon opens the flow properties, which contains a Favorite tab.

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