Knowledge sources can be uploaded quickly into Tenjin's QnA knowledge base. This knowledge is then referenced when responding to questions typed into the assistant.
If you already have an FAQ page, or similar, it can be uploaded directly from a URL or document. Tenjin supports the following formats:
Uploading via URL
We have taken the Microsoft 365 FAQ page to demonstrate how Tenjin displays the data once imported.
The original Microsoft 365 page is below.
Tenjin’s QnA knowledge base after uploading the URL is below.
Uploading a Document
You can use a Word or PDF document, or a plain text file, as your knowledge import source. However, we would recommend reviewing your document first to make sure it is well structured, and, for Word and PDF documents, there is a well-defined heading structure. A heading structure is used to help identify questions, answers, and follow-on prompts; follow-on prompts are created using headings in your document:
- Heading 1 creates the main question.
- Heading 2 creates a follow-on to the original question.
- Heading 3 creates another follow-on, and so on.
For example, consider a Word document that contains the following content: (attached as Multiturn-Contoso Benefits.docx).
- Heading 1: Tell me about Benefits
- Paragraph: You can choose one of the categories below for detailed Benefits information or type your question in the chat box.
- Paragraph: Please remember: The Annual Enrollment period for 2020 is from October 16th to October 30th, 2019.
- Heading 2: Learn What's New for 2020
- Paragraph: New content for 2020 is...
- Heading 2: Complete Enrollment
- Paragraph: To complete your enrollment into the benefits scheme you must...
- Heading 2: Specific Plan Details
- Paragraph: Okay, tell me a little more. What aspect of your benefits do you want to understand?
- Heading 3: Health
- Paragraph: Content about the health plan benefits.
- Heading 2: Find Benefit Provider Contacts
- Paragraph: The contact information is...
If the user asked the assistant about benefits, and then selected the 'Specific Benefit Plan Details' option, they will be given the follow-on prompts made for that particular question.
Next Steps
After preparing your documents using the above instructions, please upload them to QnA along with any URLs you wish to upload, and then review the results. If you have any further questions, please either contact your Biomni account manager or contact Biomni support.
In addition to uploading knowledge, please also consider a small logo and welcome message for your assistant.
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